
The table to the left below shows the current overall rankings of all players, the number of exact predictions, the number of correct results predicted and the total amount of points. Players are ranked firstly by the total points, secondly by who has the most exact predictions and are otherwise the same rank. The table to the right shows the current points accumilated by each player in the current calendar month, to view all month's rankings Click Here.

Overall Rankings

Rank Player 5's 2's Points
Last Updated on 28/5/2023 at 20:02.
1 John Nelson 46 143 516
2 Peter Holt 44 141 502
3 Harry Holt 36 148 476
4 Terry Williamson 30 152 454
5 Simon Stern 39 128 451
6 Charlie Holt 34 137 444
7 David Stern 33 139 443
8 Jon 36 130 440
9 Jon Davies 24 156 432
10 Janet Perkins 29 143 431
11 Nathan Williamson 37 121 427
12 Melvyn Perkins 24 150 420
13 Jackie Mandall 28 135 410
14 Rachel Perkins 30 114 378
15 Dave Perkins 26 105 340
16 Steve Perkins 16 105 290
17 George Stringer 9 52 149
18 Sean Rowe 2 14 38
19 Matthew Metcalf 1 5 15

August Rankings

Rank Player Points
Last Updated on 28/5/2023 at 20:02.
1 Dave Perkins 66
1 Nathan Williamson 66
3 Rachel Perkins 63
4 Charlie Holt 58
5 John Nelson 57
5 Simon Stern 57
7 Jon 56
8 Jackie Mandall 55
9 George Stringer 54
9 Janet Perkins 54
11 Melvyn Perkins 53
12 Terry Williamson 52
13 David Stern 49
13 Peter Holt 49
15 Steve Perkins 48
16 Harry Holt 47
17 Jon Davies 42
18 Sean Rowe 38
19 Matthew Metcalf 15